I would not introduce ANY strange cat to a female with kittens. One, the male may try to harm or even kill the kittens. Two, the female will definitely try to harm the male in order to protect her kittens (whether or not the male does anything to her or them). And three, it would be entirely too stressful to the female. She is feeding her kittens and the stress could interfere with that. Also, she may feel the need to try to move them somewhere else because of the male, and she would be under a constant state of stress and anxiety which would effect her health in many ways.
In a good situation, it takes strange cats weeks to get along. In a case with a female who just gave birth, it's a recipe for disaster to introduce them or have them around each other.
You're going to need to keep them separated at least until the kittens are old enough to be weaned and ideally, until they're gone in a home of their own.