So i have a male rat, Shadow i got him back in september, he is 5 months now. and i recently bought 2 twin brothers. they are only 5 weeks old. there balls just droppedd 3 days ago, so they are not that old. iboughtt them so he would have playmates, since i moved i have to get a job and go out into the real world. before this he was with me 24/7basicallyy and he would open his cage at night to fall asleep. butany whoo i moved anddecidedd since i cant spend as much time that he needs a play mate or 2. these guys seem very interested in him. i had placed there cages side byside forr almost a week. the first time i took them out hedidn'tt mind to much. theSecondd time i took them out he bit the dumbo eared twin baby (one was born dumbo the other not) i made sure it was in a placeneitherr of them have ever been. and made sure i was clean and had clean cloths on so his sent was not on me. i went home a couple days latter. had them all running around. he seemed fine with them. until my sister picked up the dumbo eared baby and put him back down, shadow attacked him. no blood or harsh marks were found. i broke it up with ease. so for the past week i had kept there cages together and made sure he could see and smell them with ease. but how should i introduce them now? would he even except them? he has never seen a rat for 3 months.. so its not like he has been forever without them... help please. ten points to bestanswere. and please description is needed!