I used to work for a company that had "lead therapists". My first piece of advice is to be careful what title you give this person. It will affect your other therapists. Whether you think it will or not, I'm telling you it most likely will. They may not say anything to you but I can guarantee if you don't word things properly, your other therapists will have their noses out of joint. Be cautious when saying "managing the other therapists" and using any terms as to them being "in charge". You may want to put it as an "education coordinator", just "coordinator" or maybe not even have a different title for them. I think it's one thing if you start your business with a lead therapist but to expect your employees to now answer to one of their collegues as the "superior", that's tough. Ok ~ with that said, the lead at our company was paid 70%. Everyone else, 60%, 55% or 50% depending on your revenue for the pay period. It might also be a good choice to pay some sort of "bonus". Though that can be tough too. If others know they are getting a "bonus" that could be a problem. I think a higher perceneforum.xxxe is the way to go. As far as being concerned they will do more services, it never was a problem. The work they will have to do will be on their own time and they will have to find a way to make sure that it gets done. You may want to bring it up in a meeting that you've got some other responsibilities that need to be covered and that "Susie Therapist" will be helping you with that. Instead of making it a "Susie Therapist" is going to be our Head therapist and will be in charge of the rest of you kind of thing. Make sense? Please know that I've mentioned these things to bring up the possibilities that it could happen. Of course I don't know your staff and the way you run your business. I just think it's always great to hear how things have worked at other places and you may be enlighted on something you may not thought of. Hope any of this helps.