How do you take care for yourself?
JLWmassage said:
We work so hard to take care of others. How do you take care of you?
How many massages do you get a month?
Do you just go to one therapist or many?
What type of massages do you like to get?
I sleep in almost every day!

t015 After years of the 8 to 5 routine in my former career I LOVE not setting my alarm, except on rare occassions. One day a week I start work at 11AM and on my other days I start at 2PM or 3PM. So, I guess setting my massage schedule at work to a shift that works for me is one way of taking care of myself. I am simply happy every morning to get up when I feel like and and enjoy my cup of coffee and not rush about.
As far as receiving massage goes... It's been up and down. There have been periods that I am trading once a week, twice a month or once a month. Right now it's been more than a month, but I am getting one tomorrow so I will get back on track. I actually think it's more important for me to just keep up with self treatment. I take the tennis ball to my trigger points in my back, I work on my own forearms using one over the other and I use a few hot stones on my neck, pecs and subscap. I also have my hubby put his knees in my glutes as I lie on the floor every day that I come home from a shift. ahh the knees in the glutes feels sooo good.
I sometimes stick with one therapist and then there are times I am seeing 3 MT's in a couple week span. I usally trade, but I also like to find MT's that I will pay and not have a trading relationship with.
As far as other things...I try to drink fresh juice ever day, avoid meat, and add a little vinegar to a glass of water each day. I had a recent physical and the Dr was very impressed with my blood work results, so I am doing something right with my diet. I do think going meatless has helped the most.
I also make sure to pester my cat everday. :twisted: That makes me happy! ha-ha. She loves it cause she keeps coming back to me for more of my brand of attention even after she has "run away"from me just a few minutes before.