If you are willing to work hard at a job that requires little language proficiency, little higher education, little technical prowess, for less money then it seems entirely possible. With all due respect to the highly trained massage therapists out there whose training puts them just short of a medical professional, the majority of massage seekers are probably just looking for a simple rubdown. That is not as tough a job to master especially if you have had prior training/work experience in your home country. It also doesn't require a significant capital investment. If you want the higher pay that affords us the "American" lifestyle, then you have to do something that people are willing to compensate you that well for. Very few of us pay more for what we want than we have to but we clearly pay up if there is an actual or perceived difference in the product.
Immigrants force those Americans who are already here to step up their game which is a good thing that will keep this country strong.
Immigrants force those Americans who are already here to step up their game which is a good thing that will keep this country strong.