How to get started
Hi Joe E.
Your assumptions in paragraph one are correct... personally I'd love it if there were more like 6 folks there, but 4 is fine. Indeed, they hang out, play cards, drink wine, gossip, watch a movie, plan a wedding, or whatever, while I whisk them away one at a time to offer 30 minutes of massage.
It is great when I get further bookings out of it, but since it has already generated reasonable revenue for me, I'm not disappointed if it doesn't.
At this point I market it solely as a web link on my website, and the few folks (none of whom are current clients) I've talked with about it have approached me--solely because they saw it on my website. At this point I'm not counting on it as a way to build my biz quickly, it is just another option on my service menu.
From the other things I read about it, if you choose to do go this route to build your business, then you could talk to friends/clients to see if they would like to host something in their home. This would be more like a tupperware party where you hope they buy, but you may not be asking for $ up front. They would bring their friends in and you could either do 30 minutes and charge, or just do a 10 minute sample for free in hopes of generating future sales.
Here are a couple websites with info on spa parties with a couple of different intentions behind each: