To give a complete Swedish massage, you must know the key movements of this type of massage which is the basis for many people who train as masseurs.
Massages are the best tool we have to be able to relax, and although we recently explained how to do an Ayurvedic massage, this time we want to focus on another type of massage. Let's see below, a guide of steps in which we explain how to give a complete Swedish massage.
Steps to give a complete Swedish massage
Let's see now how to do the Swedish massage, for which you will also need a massage table or table and a little oil to be able to perform the movements better.
1. The Swedish massage applies a directed pressure according to the venous blood flow (which returns to the heart); Such gestures allow to stimulate correct blood circulation. The movements can be slow and delicate or, on the contrary, vigorous and intense: it all depends on the personal style of the therapist and, of course, on the objectives that he aims to achieve. To perform these movements, forearms, mainly hands, and elbows are used.
2. The main goal of Swedish massage is general relaxation and reduction of muscle stiffness, stimulation of circulation, pain relief, improvement of tissue oxygenation, elimination of toxins, and improvement of muscle tone.
3. An easy way to start is to have the person lying face down. Begin by uncovering one leg and applying the oil. Always use the stress that travels from the foot to the hip. Tap lightly with both hands and apply more pressure when requested. You can use a hand over hand motion or a kneading motion. You can use the elbows, the heel of the hand, the tips of the fingers, or the fists. You can also tap or hit the legs. As long as you avoid putting pressure on the back of your knee and remember to always go from foot to hip, you will be safe. Never apply pressure to the arms or legs that travel from the body to the hands or feet.
4. Bend your leg at the knee and work on a foot massage. Gently knead your thumbs on the arch and heel. Trace around the ball of the foot, the ankle, and between the toes. Lightly pinch your fingers between them. Move your foot in a circle at the ankle and flex the foot fully toward the calf and away.
5. When you have done both legs and feet, cover the person, and rub the legs a few more times on the sheet. This provides a closure for the lower half of the body and a connection as you move towards the back. Now you stand on the head and apply oil from the shoulders to the lower back. Rub the large muscles on either side of the spine toward the hips with both hands, then slide up along the sides and up the neck. If you want, you can repeat this simple movement or you can try other things. Knead the large muscles at the top of the shoulders. Work with your palms, thumbs, or knuckles along both sides of the spine. Just don't apply pressure directly to your spine. Trace across the shoulder blades with your fingers. Use one hand over the hand or thumb over the thumb motion on the lower back.
6. Once you've turned the client over, rework the front of the legs with some oil. Use the same movements as on the back of your legs. Do not forget to move in the direction of the feet to the hips and not the other way around. Trace or gently knead around the kneecaps. Rub the area where the ankle meets the top of the foot with your thumbs. Go over and between the muscles on the top of the foot and rub the toes again; You can also bend and flex your fingers.
7. Cover the legs and move to the arms. Raise your arm and gently rub your whole hand towards the shoulder. You can rub the shoulder again now, or even reach under your partner and rub between the shoulder blade and the spine. Massage your hands just as you did your feet.
8. Reach below the person's neck and shoulders with your fingers and slide them toward the head. Do the same with a hand-over-hand movement. You can bend your neck to both sides and turn your head through its full range of motion. Gently rub the entire scalp with your fingertips in a shampoo-like motion. For many persons, this is the best part. Just don't oil her hair. You can also massage the face, also without oil, rubbing the cheeks in an upward motion towards the forehead. Trace gently over forehead and brows and rub temples in circles.
These are just a few ideas. Have fun trying new moves. The ultimate goal of Swedish massage is to give the client a feeling of mental relaxation and physical well-being, thus improving the general state of health. All of this is associated with better physical performance, such as joint elasticity, muscle tone, and looseness, which are indispensable not only for athletes but also in everyday life. You can enjoy Swedish Massage and facial in Los Angeles from here.