I already have my 5 month old twins on solids. They eat 4 tablespoons of either rice/barley/oatmeal mixed with formula 2x/day. The pediatrician said to go with fruits next. The office is closed today so I was just wondering what others have done. With cereal we started with 1 Tbsp 1x/day and worked up to 4tbsp 1x/day and then added the second feeding of 4 tbsp. Is the same done for fruit/vegetables, do you feed it separately or mix it with the cereal (I don't know how good that would be since the milk is mixed with the cereal). Do you give it during the same feedings as the cereal or give it at some other time in the day. I feed my boys eat every 3 hours. Also, I have read that you should start with veggies before fruit since it is less sweet so I am wondering why I was told to start with fruit. Does it matter?