their pic and they're not your type? I have been chatting to a guy for a few weeks. I'm not normally one to do online dating but I figured it would do no harm. So I got chatting to this guy and I didnt ask for a pic as personality is more important to me and unless the person was hideously ugly, looks wouldnt put me off someone. So finally we decided to exchange pics. When I saw his pics I almost died. Unfortuantly he was extremely plain for my tastes. He just isnt my type and no matter how good his personality, I just cannot get over that. Also as he is interested in dating I dont think friendship would ever work and tbh I'm not looking to make friends at the moment. So I've been replying to his messages as I think to stop contact straight away makes it obvious that you didn't find them physically attractive and that's just cruel. But I REALLY do not want to stay in contact.How do I nicely stop contact? I don't want to just stop replying with no explanation?