While the subtle tough of massage can enhance/heat-up the mood between two people, there must first be the natural connection of intimacy already between them both.
Steer clear of the popular opinion to utilize a "Nude Full Body Massage" at first. Save that for when you both have gained more history & trust with one another, and when that time comes you won't need any-ones advice on how she wants/should be toughed. It will just seem to come to you as naturally as breathing air.
At the present moment though, take advantage of every opportunities you have while you both are together to show & express to her how you feel by making subtle contact with her. Like rubbing her shoulders when standing in a line & massaging her hands while setting/cuddling with her or massage her feet at the end of the day.
All these little jesters will heat things up properly & in a timely manner by building the trust need to allow the connection between you both to progress naturally : instead of seeming or being forced!!!