You're certainly entitled to your opinion Hulk, but saying Anita isn't a nice person is a little harsh.
I think she's a smart business woman who's watched the success of various competitors, copied what's worked and built on top of that. She's leveraged to her advantage in that she's figured out what we as clients want.
IE> good talent managed properly with an emphasis on client satisfaction.
In ANY other business that research would be called "market analysis."
NO business ever went under by giving clients what they want.
Does SRM have too much power on
There are many negative reviews on the board along with the good ones.
I disagree with the NRP applied to Lady Voldemort (she who must not be named) coz I think she's her OWN worst enemy, and takes ZERO responsibility for her actions, but it's a PRIVATE board and we have to honor it.
....HOWEVER, and it's a BIG however.
FRED does NOT control the internet. If you feel strongly about posting a review or comments, I'd seek out OTHER places to share your opinions. They're out there, and just coz Fred wants to control HIS site a certain way doesn't mean you have to buy into his "vision."
The rules of one sandbox don't necessarily apply to another.
Ultimately you have to weigh the positives and negatives about participating in the community.
Overall for me the experience has been very positive. I've learned a heck of alot, made REAL friends, and tried to share some of my knowledge. When I receive a PM or read a review knowing that I helped out a fellow client it's extremely gratifying.