The job is supposed to be quite physical in nature as some clients would like a massage up to an hour. A lot of standing, learning forward in various planes is involved. If still interested in the field, please consider the more affordable county vo-tech school or community college as opposed to those private $$ tech schools as long as it's accredited within the industry. That way, at least, one may not be left in so much debt upon completing the program
To have one's own business, one must do a lot of marketing of one's services which may include give a free (or very affordable) lecture about the health benefits and such to try to increase one's clientele.
Please steer clear of those online, for-profit schools such as penn foster, sanford brown, ITT tech, ashworth, university of phoenix, kaplan, walden, strayer, devry, everest and others as they are merely out to 'make a profit' (and course credits may not transfer): and can type into seach.
For US colleges:
For general career info: and can search 'massage therapists' or such.