I decided to try picking up some assembly yesterday.
If it matters, I'm using an Intel something-rather, and these are being saved with the DOS format (.com)
First... how would I make something like an if(1==1)? That's had me quite confused
And how would I make the program wait for a press from a particular key? There's xor ax,ax (I do not know what that does, as all I have is source code in which that is used - no tutorial or anything) but that waits for any key to be pressed... any way to make that wait for a particular key press? (I'm sure it's really obvious, but I have no idea O.O)
And I had another question, but I dont' remember what it is... Oh.. methinks i remember... How might I make something that would allow a person to type a message, and then echo the message, or something?
Any help is greatly appreciated!
If it matters, I'm using an Intel something-rather, and these are being saved with the DOS format (.com)
First... how would I make something like an if(1==1)? That's had me quite confused
And how would I make the program wait for a press from a particular key? There's xor ax,ax (I do not know what that does, as all I have is source code in which that is used - no tutorial or anything) but that waits for any key to be pressed... any way to make that wait for a particular key press? (I'm sure it's really obvious, but I have no idea O.O)
And I had another question, but I dont' remember what it is... Oh.. methinks i remember... How might I make something that would allow a person to type a message, and then echo the message, or something?
Any help is greatly appreciated!