Well I bin away from the board for a while but I just checked things out today. I didn't get up ta see that Sarah girl you fellas suggested at that heaven place yet but I sure enough will real soon. I did get in to have another massage though.
The other day I was downtown in the general vicinity of that Combawa place I went to a while back so I just thought why not take a walk up the stairs. Old flip here's back was a bit sore so I thought a nice right firm massage might do me some good. Well if I didn't run into that yoyo girl again. She sure enough must work right near every day. She looked a bit different though, she done somethin to her hair since the last I saw her.
Anyway, she gave me a right firm good massage. I love the way she climbs up and kneels on the table while she's puttin the pressure on my back. Felt mighty good. And she was wearing a short little skirt that looked real nice. Like I said before I prefer my girls a little slimmer but when they're wearing those little skirts and they start leanin over it makes no matter, it sure can get me goin in no time at all. I was excited for sure.
So I really wanted to give yoyo a flip style massage but she looked kinda shy about it so I asked her what was up. I don't know what you fellas call it but back home we used to say her country cousin was visitin'. Now my gf gets real hot and bothered during high tide so I knew well enough to be real nice to this yoyo girl. I told her to just lie down and get cumfy and old flip'll give ya a nice soft little rub. I rubbed her tummy a bit and she thought old flip was a real nice guy for bein' so understandin'. I told her I had lots a practice bein real nice cuz the gf gets mighty hostile if I don't treat her nice when the hammock's swingin. She just laughed.
Well that's about it for this time with the yoyo girl. She sure wasn't much concerned with tips or nothin'. I asked her what I should pay and she just said whatever I think is good. Now I wish all girls were so easy about the cash part a the deal. I just gave her the cash I had in my pocket and she was happy enough and never looked at it.
Well you fellas have a real nice night. Old flip here's gotta pay some attention to the gf tonight. She's in the mood.
The other day I was downtown in the general vicinity of that Combawa place I went to a while back so I just thought why not take a walk up the stairs. Old flip here's back was a bit sore so I thought a nice right firm massage might do me some good. Well if I didn't run into that yoyo girl again. She sure enough must work right near every day. She looked a bit different though, she done somethin to her hair since the last I saw her.
Anyway, she gave me a right firm good massage. I love the way she climbs up and kneels on the table while she's puttin the pressure on my back. Felt mighty good. And she was wearing a short little skirt that looked real nice. Like I said before I prefer my girls a little slimmer but when they're wearing those little skirts and they start leanin over it makes no matter, it sure can get me goin in no time at all. I was excited for sure.
So I really wanted to give yoyo a flip style massage but she looked kinda shy about it so I asked her what was up. I don't know what you fellas call it but back home we used to say her country cousin was visitin'. Now my gf gets real hot and bothered during high tide so I knew well enough to be real nice to this yoyo girl. I told her to just lie down and get cumfy and old flip'll give ya a nice soft little rub. I rubbed her tummy a bit and she thought old flip was a real nice guy for bein' so understandin'. I told her I had lots a practice bein real nice cuz the gf gets mighty hostile if I don't treat her nice when the hammock's swingin. She just laughed.
Well that's about it for this time with the yoyo girl. She sure wasn't much concerned with tips or nothin'. I asked her what I should pay and she just said whatever I think is good. Now I wish all girls were so easy about the cash part a the deal. I just gave her the cash I had in my pocket and she was happy enough and never looked at it.
Well you fellas have a real nice night. Old flip here's gotta pay some attention to the gf tonight. She's in the mood.