husband ..why? I went to my friends wedding recently and she didn't even introduce me to her new husband ..why?
I'm not parnoid...this has been my friend for 10yrs..we met in college..she got married to her h.s. sweet heart..we don't live too close to eachother @ all so we see eachother from time to time therefore I never met whom she was marrying....before the ceremony started I came there..actually end up helping dressing her mother etc..i never had tension with my friend at all ..but she looked at me like she saw a ghost or something I can' t describe the look...anyway after the wedding was over and the reception was in place I notice she went from table to table introducing her new husband but when she came to me she didn't..i figure its a joyous day I will keep my thoughts to myself and forever...can anybody tell me why she did this? I don't believe it snatching nobodies mates up so wth?!?!?
I'm not parnoid...this has been my friend for 10yrs..we met in college..she got married to her h.s. sweet heart..we don't live too close to eachother @ all so we see eachother from time to time therefore I never met whom she was marrying....before the ceremony started I came there..actually end up helping dressing her mother etc..i never had tension with my friend at all ..but she looked at me like she saw a ghost or something I can' t describe the look...anyway after the wedding was over and the reception was in place I notice she went from table to table introducing her new husband but when she came to me she didn't..i figure its a joyous day I will keep my thoughts to myself and forever...can anybody tell me why she did this? I don't believe it snatching nobodies mates up so wth?!?!?