Most good ideas so far:
1) Reduce government wages to reasonable levels (by 30% in some cases)
2) Remove government pensions for past elected officials who served less than 20 yrs
3) Remove all private jets from government service except for one...mine
4) Open up all government contracts to any company, union or not
5) Approach all the major drug companies with a deal: reduce the costs to the government by 50% or lose our business.
6) legalize marijuana up to 1/2 ounce.
7) Increase mandatory sentences for weapons related offences
8) Create a government watchdog agency who reports to the public, NOT any government body. Their task would be to find, and eliminate waste and duplication of services
9) Limit UI and Welfare to 1 yr, offer UI to self employed people
10) If caught milking the system (ie: claiming disability where no disability exists) mandatory 1 yr sentence
11) Make any prison sentence include manual labour....
12) Make anyone arrested and found guilty of misappropriation of government property a mandatory 10 yr prison sentence
13) Make any elected official who doesn't fulfill their campaign promises resign immediately.
I could go on but we're all living in a dream world if we think any prime minister would even think of doing anything with any amount of common sense.