something I've wanted to do for? a long time. I was wondering if anyone makes a living off this career. I was talking to some people around my area and they say they charge anywhere from $60 to $80 an hour, sometimes getting $40 tips if your really good. Can someone give me an idea of what they charge and how much they make a year so I can make a decision. I don't want to waste my time or money if it's not worth it. I think it would be great to set my own hours and I was thinking of doing 5 a day. If I charged $60 an hour and did 5 a day at 23 days in a month I come up with $6900.00 not including any tips. That is $82,800. To me that's good money, but than I hear people make only $30,000 a year and I make more than that now. HELP. I want out of this hell whole of a job.