Hi every one has any body got any advice please, my daughter is 22 and works such long hours, also likes to socialize untill the early hours, she has finally hit a brick wall mentally I mean, she is exhausted and just wants to sleep, she has a sty and is generally tearfull. I have never seen her like this and I am worried. she will attend the GP I think she needs a blood test.
I am a qualified reflexologist and have massaged points of her feet, im thinking I may have missed something any advice would be a great help.. I if any reflexologists read this what points would you suggest to work on . thankzzzzzzzzzzz
I am a qualified reflexologist and have massaged points of her feet, im thinking I may have missed something any advice would be a great help.. I if any reflexologists read this what points would you suggest to work on . thankzzzzzzzzzzz