I have been at the salon since mid June (so 3 months). My price has been set at 40/hr but the local MT all charge 50/hr. I want to increast my price so that I am in line with everyone else. And since I am in a salon most of the people I see are one time pamper me type clients. I only have one who is a regular, and only 2 that schedual once a month or every other month. My question is can I keep my one regular at the 40/hr and raise everyone else? OR should I do a massage member ship like I saw a some one (sorry dont remember who) else website from this board? Also how do I go about raising that price, I only ment it to be an introductory and I dont want it to stay that way. My thought is that I should raise it to 50$ now before people get to used to it and since I am finnaly getting busy now would be a good time to do it. What do you all think??? Any advice would be great!!!!