Dear Emma,
I have just started voluntary work at a drop in support centre for people with cancer, ms, HIV, etc. (palliative care). On top of councilling etc. for the patients they offer different therapies (reflexology, aroma therapy, Reiki and IHM). This is an NHS centre and after 3 months of volunteering you then get compensation. I have heard of the first 3 therapies mentioned above being used at various hospitals and GP offices but besides the above have never heard of IHM used here. I am currently doing and IHM course and the centre has advised me that as soon as I finish my course I can do this therapy at the centre as they only have 1 IHM therapist on board.
Are you working in the NHS? I think the way forward is to offer it to staff firstly as a stress relief, you can then build on that and take it further. I have heard that at some NHS hospitals they have therapist who treat the staff - NHS gives them the time off and the staffpay for the therapy. Might be a way forward.
I wish you success as I am trying to knock on all sorts of doors to work for the NHS full time to make my dreams come true.
Best of luck