hello , I am a massage therapist and one of my biggest fears had always be getting hurt nad b e unable to work. well o wednesday morning as i was getting ready to work . i smashed my left foot againts the batroom door frame. i serously beileived i broke it. I went to the doctor and took x rays. dr said no frature, but it really hurts. i got pain medication and had dip my foot oin ice. what else can i do to make it feel better. any tips?
I need to be ready to massage by tomorrow i have been off for the last 3 days, which means i huge hit finacially for me....anyway I would a preaciate any tips...thanks
I need to be ready to massage by tomorrow i have been off for the last 3 days, which means i huge hit finacially for me....anyway I would a preaciate any tips...thanks