I don't like the system either, but to ignore it is to ignore profit. ย There are people in real need of massage therapy that may not receive it under any other circumstance. ย My job is to facilitate healing for people and I will do that under any circumstance. ย Cash, charge, ATM, money order, travelers check, bank check, online payments,insurance, and sometimes even barter. It is what it is. As far as what it typically pays me. ย For an accident case, I get about $35-40 per 15 minutes. ย The treatment is highly specialized for a certain area and they typically last 30 minutes each session . ย The sessions are generally 2x per week for 4-6 weeks. ย I do have to do a lot more paperwork but after you find out what they are looking for, it goes pretty quickly. The setback is that you don't get paid instantly. ย They usually send a check within a month of sending in a claim. ย The check is usually for the entire month. When it comes it is nice. ย Comparatively, you can look at it like this. ย For 60 minutes of treatment for the week for a relaxation massage, I get $60. ย The client may come once or twice for the month totalling $120. For an auto accident insurance case, I get $160 for that same week. ย They will come for at least 4 weeks totalling $640. ย After that they generally come back for wellness massage. I think it is time for therapist to get over their fears of the medical system, use their gifts where needed, and prosper.