We have slowly started to introduce solids such as a little rice ceareal and sometimes banana( he only eats about a couple spoonfulls)
For the past couple weeks his bowels have been really thick and kinda greenish ( a really dark green and kinda brown)
I know its a TMI lol. I have been having to also be giving him formula every now and then because we went on vacation and when we got back home I fell behind on breast milk. Is it normal for his bowels to be like this or is it not normal. I was told it will be like that for a while since he is starting to eat solids and that it will be thick too because of eating solids but I just want to make sure.
Thank you
For the past couple weeks his bowels have been really thick and kinda greenish ( a really dark green and kinda brown)
I know its a TMI lol. I have been having to also be giving him formula every now and then because we went on vacation and when we got back home I fell behind on breast milk. Is it normal for his bowels to be like this or is it not normal. I was told it will be like that for a while since he is starting to eat solids and that it will be thick too because of eating solids but I just want to make sure.
Thank you