I have heard that a lot of massage places are covers for prostitution and they do some really unethical things with their clients. I have also heard that a lot of therapists tell clients to drink a lot of water because of "toxins". These "toxins" really scare me. I mean if they are hiding in my body and someone "releases" them, isnt that dangerous? I also have heard from someone that massage can hurt and I do not like pain. Isn't pain bad? I also heard that massage can be bad for you if they do it to you and you have a bad disease like cancer or diabetes or an infection. Don't most massage places just take your money and rub you for an hour and then expect you to tip them? Please help because I think I want to get a massage but I am scared that they might want to have sex with me or they may hurt me. What if I have cancer and I don't know it, won't they make it worse?