This is the problem with the "Nanny State". A group decides that it needs to look out for the welfare of the less fortunate by taking a little bit of money and giving it to those unfortunates. Eventually, a group looks at some of those unfortunates and decides that their life choices aren't right. So they want to punish them...and figure they can because they're getting funding from the tax payers.
If everyone would just leave everyone else alone and not ask the government to run our lives we'd be soo much better off.
Didn't this start with smokers...they have more health issues so health care goes up....well, look at the fat ones...let's charge them more too...and lets start looking at genetics, some individuals are programmed to be less healthy than others, make them pay more too! It's regoddamneddiculous! If everyone just had to pay their own way and medical bills then no one else would have to give a shit if some person lived unhealtily! [/rant]