Bruises aren't good. Tell your therapist to be more careful. To help with the soreness, take a tylenol or two and then a hot shower after the massage. Drink at least a gallon in the day after the massage, that's the full 64 ounces you're supposed to get anyways. Water is vital after a massage to help flush muscles and your urinary system after they work the lactic acid and calcium remnants out of your muscles. Biofreeze, IcyHot and/or Tiger Balm all help with soreness, I suggest using it right after the massage and then take the shower. Remember, your massage therapist most likely went to school for what they do, I know I did, and they know what they're doing; however, if its hurting you, it's absolutely your call for them to ease up on the pressure and the intensity of their work. It's like ordering a meal in a restaurant. The chef is a professional, but you decide if you like what they serve you. Don't let them act like you have to just shut up and deal.