Massages are great for women all through out their pregnancy.
Carrying a baby relaxes a pregnant woman ligaments, causing her pelvic joints to be less stable and all the extra baby weight pulls the pelvis forward, which changes her posture and shifts her center of gravity. All this adds up to a every achy lower back, as well as also putting a lot of stress on her upper back, neck, abdominal muscles, and shoulders.
The therapeutic benefits of massage for pregnant women help their low back pain, chronic headaches, while promoting relaxation by decreasing stress and helping them cope with the discomforts of all the other changes accruing physically as well as mentally with-in them.
There's not much for us guys to do during the pregnancy but to provide the mother & baby all the loving support they need, toward their well-being & comfort. I personally believe that every man should be concerned for the mother & baby's well-being & comfort because whatever effect the mother effects the baby and a regular massage through out a pregnancy is a excellent way to address this concern and show your loving support during the pregnancy.