The BA is good general education, and useful to fall back on if you decide you made a mistake with the massage, but as you are only one term into it and are sure about the massage course you may decide to cut your losses and go straight for that. Whether massage therapy is a good career depends so much on how dedicated to it you are. For the right person its brilliantly rewarding, but make sure you don't go for a lightweight version such as aromatherapy - do a proper sports and/or therapeutic massage course where you learn all about the ligaments and joints etc. I had a wonderful massage from a sports therapist yesterday that sorted out an ankle that had been troubling me since August. I would have a chat with the college running the massage course, find out what the course covers if you don't know already, and ask their advice. Remember that you will probably be working alone, probably from home, so you need to be strongly self motivated, and have some business sense.
Good luck, I hope you are successful.