So, I bough a guitar about 1,5 yrs ago. I played it for a month or so and then dropped it because of the school graduating exams (studies etc.) and after the exams I was working all the summer and had practically no time for guitar playing. But few months ago I picked up the guitar playing again and thus so for I have learned these things (I didn't take any guitar leesons from a teacher,just learned all it by myself) : how to read tabs, and play them, basic major, minor and A7,C7 etc. chords and the transitions ( I can change chords really fast). Also I learned strumming, and I almost mastered the barre. One thing that I don't know is arpeggio's, although I can play songs that have them in it, but still my main problem is that I don't know how to play (for example) E chord arpeggio or D, A and so on, I looked it up on the internet but I can't find it.
So my question would be this : is my playing level good for a newbie that learns to play on his own? :]
PS: I would be really thankfull if someone would link me up on the arpeggio lessons (I can't afford guitar lessons, so please no answers such as "get lessons from a guitar teacher")
Thanks very much in advance for Your answers.
So my question would be this : is my playing level good for a newbie that learns to play on his own? :]
PS: I would be really thankfull if someone would link me up on the arpeggio lessons (I can't afford guitar lessons, so please no answers such as "get lessons from a guitar teacher")
Thanks very much in advance for Your answers.