In answer to you Reikidude:
I'm in the USA.
Our medical system is set up to support the money making machine of big pharma, & promoting that
mentality, along with surgery for everything. It is something I have a tough time with. That said I have told some of my clients it may in fact be the avenue they will have to take. In part because they've waited to long to seek help, or they aren't about to make the healthier choices of making a change in their lifestyle. Plus many conditions are beyond our scope of practice, so there is no choice.
I refer out to other bodyworkers, acupuncturists, Chinese medical doctors, naturopaths, and homeopaths, herbalists, nurse practitioners, & midwives, etc. whenever possible. I encourage life style changes, and suggest that clients take a look at what they are doing to themselves on a daily basis. But each client ulitimately has to come to their own decision as to what they want to do for their health.
There are many folks out there who think they can live their fast paced lives, and eat what they like, & wreck their bodies without affecting their quality of life. Then they come to us, or their doctors, and expect us to fix it.
Part of the problem is what I refer to as the "fast-food" mentality people want to apply to their lives & their health. They don't think they can slow down, & make the changes their bodies are screaming for. However, with those types their body will eventually pull the plug on them, whether its through injuries, illness, or death. Or life & karma shoves enough road blocks in their path that it gets their attention eventually if they're lucky ! We all have to learn certain lessons while we're here in body, or we aren't doing our
"homework", some of us will turn it in on time, and some will procrastinate for an entire lifetime !