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Review Stephanie @ Seduction
Thread starterAdventure_Guy Start dateDec 19, 2023 Replies48 Views8K Tagsseduction seduction spa spa
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Feb 12, 2025
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Social-Misfit said:
I'm not calling the fucking number, nor is anyone else on here get a grip on yerself
But I want to prove to you what i say is true. Call the number for private number and hear all the terrible things greg has to say about suduction spa
Active Member
Feb 14, 2025
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is that your number?
Feb 20, 2025
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BigDickMaster said:
is that your number?
It's my trustee's number. Call Greg from HGK LLP for proof. Stephanie and the rest of the girls from sdudction spa are really bad people who beleive in infecting people who got lucky with gential warts
Feb 20, 2025
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<Small Banner> VIP massage
Suduction Spa Infected Me With Genital Warts On Purpose
ParticipantsSuductionGaveMeHPVSpringRoll Start dateJan 30, 2025
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Jan 30, 2025
Stephanie and Lauren from suduciton spa gave me 2 species of genital warts on purpose. They said it was because I conceived a disabled baby and had a drug problem in high school.
After a lengthy investigation the government has discovered that alot of the girls at suduction are really depressed about their lives and want to infect people with genital warts on purpose. They are targeting people who got lucky, rich people, people who conceived disabled children, people who escaped criminal conviction or a combination of everything.
Do not go to suduction spa. The owner has filled her business with moderate skitzophrenics who are infecting people with gential warts on purpose becused they are really depressed about their lives and really hate people who got lucky. If you've never had an encounter with a moderate skitzophrenic let me tell you their behavior is absurd and totally ridiculous. They will arive at conclusions with out enough evidence. When you ask them to explain why they made the decision they made their explanation doesn't make any sense at all. The moderate skitzophrenic is the most common type of person to hurt some one out in the public on purpose because they are really mad about their mental illness and really jealous and hatefull towards people who are doing better. These kind of people just bearly deserve their freedom. They have to live in group home's which are called half way houses in America. They have to live there because they can't remember how to cook or work.
Lauren and Stephanie infected me with coliflour and black bump genital warts on purpose. They told me after they serviced me. They said it was because I conceived a disabled baby and had a drug problem in high school.
I told the moderate skitzophrenic girls who work at suduction spa about how my girlfriend didn't quit smoking weed when she was pregnant because a professional called a midwife told her smoking weed while pregnant was safe and wouldn't hurt our baby. I told them how I made a bunch of phone calls to the doctors, children's aid and police desperately trying to find a way to save my baby. Since there wasn't a law the government could use to stop my pregnant girl from smoking weed she never stoped and my child was born with severe autism and needs to live in the hospital for the rest of his life. This made the girls at suduction really mad and filled with hate towards me. They hated on me alot because I created someone like them. They didn't beleive my midwife story. I offered proof. Since they're moderate skitzophrenics they were unable to think straight which caused them to refuse to take my proof saying it's some kind of trick and assumed I was lying about the midwife. They declared me a really bad guy who deserves life in jail for conciving my disabled baby. They told me I don't deserve to have sex with a girl for the rest of my life and that I deserve genital warts for creating my disabled baby. They said if the midwife story was true then I didn't deserve life in jail or genital warts.
They also hated on me really badly because I fell victim to the drug problem in the high-school's back in the early 2000's. Some provincal conservative mpp lied to them and told them there wasn't a drug problem in the highscool's back then and that I was one of the only drug addict kids in the province. This made the girl's at suduction really mad at me and hate on me alot. They said very hateful and mean things to me and said I deserve genital warts for being a drug addict in high school. They also said that if there really was a drug problem in the high school's then I wouldn't deserve genital warts.
I am the heir to half a million dollars. This made the girls at suduction really mad and full of hate towards me. They hated on me alot because they didn't believe I deserve the money because I conceived and disabled baby and had a drug problem in high school. They said I deserve genital warts for getting so lucky after being a bad person.
The most absurd thing about all this is that they wouldn't beleive I deserved genital warts if my story was true and it ended up being true. The cops, children's aid and my trustee proved my story to the girls at sudction and they changed their opinion of me and said they don't I beleive deserve It to genital warts any more or deserve life in jail and they say they didn't give me genital warts on purpose
My accusations of Stephanie and Lauren caused Stephanie's group home to search her phone. If she refused she would have to live on her own which she is not capable of. She got caught with hundreds of text messages talking about infecting people with genital warts on purpose. Most of the unvaccinated people she wants to give genital warts to have it now. She's infected 40 people with gential warts on purpose. Some of them are only 20 years old. Some of them are rich and older. Some of them are drug addicts. The government has her on 95% to a conviction for infecting me with genital warts on purpose and 75% on like 40 other people. The government in this country will not convict some one with infecting someone with genital warts on purpose unless they admit their guilty. I've been told by the government that a admission of guilt is not required in America and in most countries and that Stephanie would have been convicted and sent to jail for infecting me with gential warts on purpose in most countires. Since Stephanie lives in a group home she can be sentenced to group home confinement. In order to get sentenced to group home confinement a crimal judge needs to find her guilty at 80%. Since she is guilty at 95% she has been sentenced by a criminal court judge to 3 years confinement. Group home confinement is where she is not allowed to leave her room in her group home except for work and 1 hour a month to do what ever she wants. They make it as much like jail as possible. She is locked in her room and not allowed to leave unless she wants to leave the group home system and live on her own. Since she really needs her group home she is determined to serve her sentence.
Lauren lives on her own so the government was not able to search her phone or punish her in any way.
I am so incredibly depressed about my multiple hpv infection. I lost my girlfriend who got my warts, I lost my kid who I love so much and I lost my home. I bought a love doll which is actually not bad. I'd recommend you try it instead of paying a bunch of really bad girls for sex.
For more proof contact Greg my trustee at hgk partners llp 905 528 1439