I went to JJ's late last night and I had only two choices among the girls and I don't remember the first but I chose Serena. Eventhough it was only my second visit to an MP I can't compare to Swan but I do have to say JJ was interesting when I used anti-bacteria soap to shower. Serena is part Filipino, part Hawaiian and the last part I forget. She is kind of cute, short (which is fine by me) and gave an intersting massage especially a head (scalp) massage, lying on top of me. I almost dropped her on her head while doing the deed. During the session we heard coughing a couple of times signalling how much time is left. Afterwards mammasan kind of held me hand/arm and talking that the last few days guys would show up late but there would be only two or three girls working there. So guys if you want a bigger selection of girls either call first or go early. Mammasan also told me that guys would be there and get caught up watching the Olympics.