Hi Everyone,
I just wanted to share something that worked wonderful for me. I am sure many of you get emails from a couple of people selling Massage Marketing programs. I used a tip that Eric Brown sent to me. I emailed all the clients on my client list that gave me their email addressess. (its on my intake form) Anyway, I sent everyone that I have not seen in awhile an email that they hadn't had a massage in awhile and it was time for one. I said the next 5 people to respond to my email and choose a date and time from below will get $10 off their next massage. Immediately, I had 3 people respond and make appointments. A couple of hours later I had 2 more people respond and make appointments. In my years of being a therapist I have never emailed my clients anything. This worked way better than sending a postcard in the mail, which I do several times a year. Anyway, I just wanted to share with you how nicely this technique worked and it didn't cost me anything.
I just wanted to share something that worked wonderful for me. I am sure many of you get emails from a couple of people selling Massage Marketing programs. I used a tip that Eric Brown sent to me. I emailed all the clients on my client list that gave me their email addressess. (its on my intake form) Anyway, I sent everyone that I have not seen in awhile an email that they hadn't had a massage in awhile and it was time for one. I said the next 5 people to respond to my email and choose a date and time from below will get $10 off their next massage. Immediately, I had 3 people respond and make appointments. A couple of hours later I had 2 more people respond and make appointments. In my years of being a therapist I have never emailed my clients anything. This worked way better than sending a postcard in the mail, which I do several times a year. Anyway, I just wanted to share with you how nicely this technique worked and it didn't cost me anything.