Sammy Katz
Description from Kijiji:
"Hi everyone we provide massage services Head massage. Foot massage. Relaxation massage Female Indian therapist’s well trained staff. Book appointment at (4378498427)by text or phone call"
Location (2053 Williams Pkwy, Brampton, ON L6S 5T4) appears to be an industrial/commercial unit-type space, based on the Google map view. That is, likely a smaller-type space with say 2-3 rooms, waiting area, maybe shower (?) - just guessing by eyeballing after looking at \ the map view
Any intel that fellow hobbyists in that part of the GTA might care to share?
Is Blossom offering the usual collection of largish, older Indian auntie-types with big chests, etc.?
(Like at Ray Lawson and elsewhere in the area as documented in threads here)
I may be out that way for work in the next couple of weeks and will swing by to check out first-hand if I can, and will post whatever I see/ learn.
For those who want original link: Blossom wellness massage | Massage Services | Mississauga / Peel Region | Kijiji Classifieds
"Hi everyone we provide massage services Head massage. Foot massage. Relaxation massage Female Indian therapist’s well trained staff. Book appointment at (4378498427)by text or phone call"
Location (2053 Williams Pkwy, Brampton, ON L6S 5T4) appears to be an industrial/commercial unit-type space, based on the Google map view. That is, likely a smaller-type space with say 2-3 rooms, waiting area, maybe shower (?) - just guessing by eyeballing after looking at \ the map view
Any intel that fellow hobbyists in that part of the GTA might care to share?
Is Blossom offering the usual collection of largish, older Indian auntie-types with big chests, etc.?
(Like at Ray Lawson and elsewhere in the area as documented in threads here)
I may be out that way for work in the next couple of weeks and will swing by to check out first-hand if I can, and will post whatever I see/ learn.
For those who want original link: Blossom wellness massage | Massage Services | Mississauga / Peel Region | Kijiji Classifieds