Great, honest post! I'm sitting here at work, trying not to piss my pants.
I too was led astray by a fellow massageplanet.netite. I was longing for some S9 type talent and was directed to S1 by a number of respondents.
My first MPA there was Kelly who revealed herself as Vivian from S9. She led me into the only room with a shower and I proceeded to get cleaned up. She however needed it a lot more than me! Now she comes in and tells me I'm her first customer of the day because she arrived only 5 minutes before me. You would figure a girl in her line of work would shower before going to work? NOT!
The massage was pretty good. Then comes the reverse.
Now in her defence, she probably wasn't planning on granting me any kitty access, however she gets pretty turned on by my massage and after she flips I try to go dining and she actually encourages my head's move south. As I get near ground Zero, I detect a very unpleasant odour. I decide to have a long hard look at my dinner and WHHOOOOAAAAHHH! there is a white creamy substance smeared all over, including my fingers! Woody turns into Mr. Bean Bag and I tell her to switch and just finish me off. I then shower again and leave. Now I love dining and I appreciate the various different tastes and smells of the "Turned-on-female-flora", but this was tooo much. I had to scrub with soap, coffee grounds (it will mask almost any smell) and industrial cleaner to get the smell off my fingers. The next day I had to clean my steering wheel because my car still had that lingering odour.
Being ever the optimist, I return a few days later. This time I get Sarah? who remembers me from her days at JT. After I pay she lays out the options and tells me no NR. Just nude and BS. I'm not into BS (unless it's the dangerous lips on shaft kind)so I ask for another attendant. She didn't want that, so she reluctantly agrees to NR. I should have left! A dead fish would have been more responsive. Total waste of money.
So Kkarn if you don't mind, please reveal the name of the girl at Mirage Spa. And keep those refreshing post coming!