I recently started using a laundry service. They provide the sheets as well as wash them with their detergent. After you figure in their sur charges and tax, each set costs me $1.38.
When I washed my own sheets myself, I used the pay machines at my office building. Just the cost of the machines worked out to be 60 cents per set. I pay about $10 per set of sheets and a set lasts me about 3 years. I also had to buy my own detergent as well as a degreaser I put in every load. When you figure all this in, 60 cents per set to wash, about 4 cents per sheet (sheet used 2x per week over 3 years), plus about 10 cents per sheet set for detergent and degreaser, that brings the total per sheet set if I do it on my own to: 74 cents. When I figure in my time which is about 3 hours per week of lugging the sheets to the laundry room, loading machines, sometimes hanging around the office after hours waiting for the dryer, and then folding. It is much more cost efficient and time efficient to let an outside company take care of all of it.
Still have to work out a few kinks with the linen company. I was quite unhappy with about half of my bottom sheets. Some were rather thin and over washed. I am currently working with the sales person from the company to remedy this.
When you get busy enough, you might concider outsourcing your sheets as well. I just love it!! As an added benefit, I get a reciept as well!! Cant do that when I stuff quarters in machines, although I do claim it on my taxes. It is just one less thing to be questioned if I would ever be audited.