New Member
I can't tell you how many inexpensive purses I have gone through. I thought I was saving money but when the zippers break or the handle rips, I just have to go out and buy another. Maybe I stuff my purses to full, I don't know...
A designer handbag is a luxury item that is enjoyed by many women. The feel of the leather, the sturdiness of the strap and the silkiness of the lining are all worth the heavy price tag. Gucci, Kate Spade, Coach and Louis Vuitton - they all have such a nice ring to them. This is a luxury that any woman can partake of no matter what size she is. Unfortunately, these purses come with a heavy price tag, which makes them a little out of reach. Still, they can be worth it.
Can be made to order with sable and chinchilla, two of the world's rarest and most expensive animal skins. Big enough to accommodate a wallet, keys, cellphone and makeup bag.
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A designer handbag is a luxury item that is enjoyed by many women. The feel of the leather, the sturdiness of the strap and the silkiness of the lining are all worth the heavy price tag. Gucci, Kate Spade, Coach and Louis Vuitton - they all have such a nice ring to them. This is a luxury that any woman can partake of no matter what size she is. Unfortunately, these purses come with a heavy price tag, which makes them a little out of reach. Still, they can be worth it.
Can be made to order with sable and chinchilla, two of the world's rarest and most expensive animal skins. Big enough to accommodate a wallet, keys, cellphone and makeup bag.
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