Ever since I went on that local news showing to advertise massage, one of the broadcast guys and I have become friends (well, we hit on each other anyway ). He's offered to use my gift certificates as prizes for their daily trivia. I'm donating about 20 of them so that it will run for 4 weeks every day. No charge or anything, basically free advertisement on the news daily. I'll be letting you all know how it goes to see if it may be something you want to try out. ;DEDIT: I forgot to put the whole reason of this post! Has anyone tried something like this, with trivia giveaways? Is 4 weeks long enough to get my name out for this type of thing? I'm not expecting a return on the donated gift certs, as I doubt they'll all be redeemed, it's more of a perk of getting to advertise on the news daily. How have things like this worked for you in the past? I'm offering a free 20-minute relaxation massage, with option to upgrade to a full hour for $30.