I've been noticing lately that when I do 3 or 4 massages (that range from 1 -2 hours each) I seem to have a decreased ability to grip things or have fine motor control. For instance, I had two clients, then a guitar lesson, and I couldn't make the chord changes as well as normal. And yesterday after 3 massages (a total of 4 1/2 hours) I kept dropping things at the grocery store. After a few hours it gets better, but...
My hands are not abnormally sore, I have good body mechanics in general, but I'm kind of annoyed by this phenomena. Are my hands just tired? AM I doing some unseen damage in some way? Does anybody else experience this?
My hands are not abnormally sore, I have good body mechanics in general, but I'm kind of annoyed by this phenomena. Are my hands just tired? AM I doing some unseen damage in some way? Does anybody else experience this?