alright...first off i'd like to say this forum has made planning for my trip 100% easier than it would have been. Lots of knowledgable people. I have read many threads on the Low Season (rainy season) etc... and it sounds like it is the time to go. It just so happens that the month of August is the only month i have to vacation so it struck me as excellent news. I want one last hunk of advice on how to spend the 4 weeks i have in Southeastern Asia. I planned on flying into Cambodia initially (Phnom Penh) and spending some time there. I am young and will be travelling with one friend (ages 18 and 19) respectively. Very interested in Scuba Diving, getting to fire some guns (as we do hunt back here at home) and seeing Angor Watt and some of the rivers. So I'm sure we could spend the whole four weeks in Cambdodia, but as it's expensive as hell to travel and making money while going to uni. is rough, it would be ashame not to see any parts of Thailand or Vietnam for that matter. So based on our interests/age/budget (5000 dollars for 4 weeks) what would your suggestions be? Any would be very appreciated, as of right now, sticking to Cambodia seems to be the plan--but thats very very very open to alteration. As well, drinking and all that goes along with it always seem to play a decent sized role to our other trips (Bonaire and Japan)