I got my Redbook yesterday and...what a PLEASANT surprise! A big article titled "The Healing Power of Touch" - talking about PT, psychotherapy, osteopathy and Massage! It talks about massage in a very positive way and mentions that it "can ease pain, improve function of the immune system...lessen your risk of heart disease" And (the best part) that it can help with migarine headaches. It's my favorite part since treating headache sufferers is one of my specialties. The article also recommends visiting AMTA and ABMP's web sites to find a qualified massage therapist.
I like the fact that the author focused on health benefits of massage vs "pampering yourself". Also, a lot of times similar articles advise people to check out a local spa, leaving independent MT's out of the loop.
Redbook has a web site http://www.redbookmag.com, but I wasn't able to find the article there. If you buy the magazine (it's the April issue) it's on p. 156. It has Mariska Hargitay on the cover.
I keep a binder in my waiting room with massage and health related articles and I am going to put this article in there, too. I will also make copies for my networking group. I will definitely use the article for marketing.
I may also send an email to the magazine to thank them.
As a side note, how the times have changed. 3-4 years ago Redbook printed a big article about different types of headaches which pretty much listed various pills. Did not mention chiropractic, acupuncture or massage. Just pop a pill. I remember sending them an email about that but all I got was a canned reply.
I like the fact that the author focused on health benefits of massage vs "pampering yourself". Also, a lot of times similar articles advise people to check out a local spa, leaving independent MT's out of the loop.
Redbook has a web site http://www.redbookmag.com, but I wasn't able to find the article there. If you buy the magazine (it's the April issue) it's on p. 156. It has Mariska Hargitay on the cover.
I keep a binder in my waiting room with massage and health related articles and I am going to put this article in there, too. I will also make copies for my networking group. I will definitely use the article for marketing.
I may also send an email to the magazine to thank them.
As a side note, how the times have changed. 3-4 years ago Redbook printed a big article about different types of headaches which pretty much listed various pills. Did not mention chiropractic, acupuncture or massage. Just pop a pill. I remember sending them an email about that but all I got was a canned reply.