Last week, one of the receptionists where I work wanted to schedule a massage for her daughter. The conversation started something like this:Her: Hey, I want to schedule an appointment for my daughter. I was hoping you could help her get pregnant.Me: HUH???? You want me to do what?She went on to explain that her daughter and her son-in-law were having difficulty conceiving a child. Previously, daughter had gotten a massage on ovulation day to help her stress level and was successful in getting pregnant. Daughter's schedule didn't work out that day, so the session never happened.Today, I had another client tell me that her daughter was having problems conceiving and the doctor's suspect that her high stress levels were contributing to the problem. She's also considering massage to help with her fertility.Two inquiries in two weeks has me very curious. The logic makes perfect sense to me, but it's the first time I've heard mention of increased fertility as a potential benefit of massage.Has anyone else here had similar requests? I suspect that a very gentle Swedish relaxation massage would be the best approach to address the stress factor, but are there some reflexology or pressure points that could help as well? If so, where are they?