Massage Docs
I have not. But, I'll be happy to tell you my opinon of Practice Managemet firms.
Pretty much anything I have ever seen that is "Practice Management" related comes with a big price and you need to be able to do things in that company's cookie-cutter fashion. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of people making a lot of money by using practice management firms. But to me, it feels like selling my soul to the devil.
I've been in two seperate seminars which unfortunately brought in some person to pitch a Practice Management company (two different ones) - blech. It's just not my cup of tea. I'd rather have a modest living and be happy than have lots of money and be unhappy. I don't like the way they talk or the way they move. Their attitude pollutes my air. It just makes me ill.
Their goal is usually make more... make more and more money. Money being their happiness factor. It's nice, but it's not my happiness factor. I don't want to buy what they are selling.
Let us know if you decide to use them and what you end up thinking. Maybe your impression of these kinds of companies will be different than mine. Trust me, they can spin it to sound nice. I've got friends who are in Practice Management firms. They really believe that what they are doing is right and they are helping people for all the right reasons. It's a little too streamlined and a little too money-hungry for me. That's all.