If you want to learn about how ME or some other business does its work, get a job there, or try to do an internship.
Our business recently became the first of our kind (in our area) to have a student intern from a local massage school. We worked with the student's school to develop expectation, roles and responsibilities, and a shared vision of what she would (hopefully) learn about. We let our student intern learn about nearly every aspect of the business, with no expectations about whether she will ever actually work for us.
We like helping student MTs learn about the field, and it was a lot of fun to go through the process with her. The school has been so happy with the results that we are now on their "A-list" of internship placement sites for qualified students, and we expect to have more of their students come in this fall. If all goes well, we hope to set up similar arrangements with other schools in our area.