You need to be more specific. The massage parlors in TJ are not anything like the massage parlors in the States. The massages are usually less than 5 minutes and totally lame. The massage parlor usually charges around $40 or $50 and then you negotiate with the chica. The price for a full hour of full service sex is usually $100. If you want full service sex, you would probably be better off researching the bar girls (BGs), street girls (SGs), or the escorts.
If you are really interested in a great massage and then GFE (better than full) service, then I heartily recommend Tania of She is no spring chicken so if you want a young hottie, she is not for you. Reports are from between 42 years of age (as of last spring from a monger who swore he saw her driver's license) to in her 50's (from some more jaded mongers who claim her pictures are from 25 years ago). I think she is about 45 to 47 but I am a horrible judge of age.
However, her massages are some of the best I have ever had from either a full body sensual massage perspective or an ethical don't-even-try-to-ask-for-a-happy-ending massage therapist. And I am a big massage fan and have had many massage-only massages. She is also par excellence in the bedroom, too. Just do a quick search and you will see tons of recommendations.
How 'bout this? If you want a great massage and sex with a young hottie, you could hire Tania for a massage ($50?) and then schedule a session with one of her chicas.
Be sure to tell us how it all worked out.