The massage industry can be a tough one to navigate. Many who don't get massages make jokes and assume that everything about the industry is inappropriate and that all massages end illegally. That is unfair to those who are licensed and legal massage therapist who work hard to define their art and to help those who need massage as a need to help with aches and pains, as well as regulate blood flow and help them relax. When many people hear someone is a massage therapist they automatically assume the worst, and for those that are legit, it can be tough. One of the reasons many jump to these conclusions though, is because there are dirty places, and Twin Falls is no stranger to them. The Magic Valley is once again investigating places that offer massages, and it may not have a happy ending for the places involved.
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
On Tuesday morning, around 10:30 AM, three massage parlors were investigated by Twin Falls Police and other authorities. What they were investigating is yet to be released, but warrants were executed for three separate locations. The massage parlors were Angel Massage at 1041 Blue Lakes Boulevard, Jasmine Massage located at 754 Falls Avenue, and Therapeutic Massage at 1111 Blue Lakes Boulevard. As most in the area know, this is not the first time something like this has happened, as a few months ago four separate massage parlors in the area were also investigated similarly.
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
On August 26 of last year, four separate massage parlors in Twin Falls were raided and investigated, leading to four separate arrests and all four locations ultimately being shut down. If the investigations on Tuesday follow a similar path as those last August, Twin Falls will have seen a total of seven massage parlors shut down in five months. On Tuesday there was a citation for prostitution. The investigations are ongoing and more charges and potential arrests could be made. The Twin Falls Police Department was joined on the investigation by Jerome County Sheriff's Office, Twin Falls Sherriff's Office, and Idaho State Police, as well as an FBI translator and victim witness coordinator. It is worth noting that all three locations were shut down during business hours, and remained closed for the rest of the day and night.
These types of investigations are hurting massage therapists who are doing things legally and helping those in the Magic Valley. The police are cracking down on illegal happenings in these places and are putting an end to any activity that is not acceptable. Twin Falls and the Magic Valley is a family-friendly area, and authorities are hoping to keep it that way. This story will be updated as more information becomes available on these investigations.
Gallery Credit: Courtney Salmon
Idaho is different, in the best ways possible. Here are some words from movoto that have deep meaning here in Idaho but in other places mean something different and usually less exciting.
Massage Parlors Under Investigation in Twin Falls
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
On Tuesday morning, around 10:30 AM, three massage parlors were investigated by Twin Falls Police and other authorities. What they were investigating is yet to be released, but warrants were executed for three separate locations. The massage parlors were Angel Massage at 1041 Blue Lakes Boulevard, Jasmine Massage located at 754 Falls Avenue, and Therapeutic Massage at 1111 Blue Lakes Boulevard. As most in the area know, this is not the first time something like this has happened, as a few months ago four separate massage parlors in the area were also investigated similarly.
Shutting Down Massages in Twin Falls
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
Credit: Jeff
On August 26 of last year, four separate massage parlors in Twin Falls were raided and investigated, leading to four separate arrests and all four locations ultimately being shut down. If the investigations on Tuesday follow a similar path as those last August, Twin Falls will have seen a total of seven massage parlors shut down in five months. On Tuesday there was a citation for prostitution. The investigations are ongoing and more charges and potential arrests could be made. The Twin Falls Police Department was joined on the investigation by Jerome County Sheriff's Office, Twin Falls Sherriff's Office, and Idaho State Police, as well as an FBI translator and victim witness coordinator. It is worth noting that all three locations were shut down during business hours, and remained closed for the rest of the day and night.

These types of investigations are hurting massage therapists who are doing things legally and helping those in the Magic Valley. The police are cracking down on illegal happenings in these places and are putting an end to any activity that is not acceptable. Twin Falls and the Magic Valley is a family-friendly area, and authorities are hoping to keep it that way. This story will be updated as more information becomes available on these investigations.
Red Flags For Twin Falls, ID
Gallery Credit: Courtney Salmon
Words that Mean Different Things in Idaho
Idaho is different, in the best ways possible. Here are some words from movoto that have deep meaning here in Idaho but in other places mean something different and usually less exciting.