session in terms of actual massage time? I went for a massage first time in my life yesterday (as was recommended by my doc. cos of all the knots and TENSE shoulders) I wasn't sure what to expect. I went to a RMT and although she charged me for an hour, the actual massage time that she spent on my back (not even the full back) was 20 mins and the rest was just talking, showing me how to stretch and running out of the room to talk to somebody else while leaving me in the room waiting. My back and shoulders didn't feel any better after I left. Can someone who goes for regular massages tell me if this is norm and is this how RMTs give deep tissue massage? (she said that it was deep tissue, of course I was honest enough to tell her that I never had a massage before, may be she thought how would I know if she is doing the right thing but something didn't feel right). Thanks!