I'm looking into taking a massage therapy class. My community college offers a course in Therapeutic massage and prepares you to take the state licensing test in Massage therapy. It covers 5 semesters. It would be 2-3 of college and would cost an estimate of $4,000. Would the end result be worth it? It would be a lot of hard work I acknowledge this fact and I know starting out could be strenuous. I do have a very supportive boyfriend though who would be there to help me during training and when I begin. I've been giving it a lot of thought and feel like massage therapy would be a career I'd enjoy and I talent I'd like to have. I'm not sure if I'd rather work in a medical setting or spa setting but more likely spa setting I think. I'd like to get opinions from people in this field or people who know of this field. Is it a rewarding career? Can I comfortably live off the income?
I live in North Carolina if that helps but I'm looking to relocate to Virginia after college.
I live in North Carolina if that helps but I'm looking to relocate to Virginia after college.