First: Set the mood. Soft music, a few scented candles and buy some nice massage oil.
Here are a few easy techniques:
Using flat hands stroke the back upward from the waist up using both hands, towards the shoulders and over the shoulders. Do this for a few minutes. You can move the stroke slightly to the left or right to cover all the parts of the back. If you are working on the limbs, always work from the feet or hands towards the torso. This is a great introductory stroke and a finishing stroke at the end of the massage. Then using your fingertip pads, but keeping palm flat on the body and fingers relatively straignt, massage in small circles. You can do this with one hand or both at the same time. This technique is useful for specific areas, so you can work around the shoulder blade for a few minutes, then move along either side of the spine, etc. Using the same hand position you can move your fingertips upwards or downwards in straight lines. You can also be creative and just having your hands on her body just follow the contours of her body with your hands. I'm sure she will enjoy this treat from you very much. Don't be surprised it she wants them more often. Good luck and have fun!