Sun article with comments in brackets
Tough bylaws have given York Region authorities the tools they need as they try to rub out brothels masquerading as massage parlours.
(There are MPs all over the world and they all operate the same. A brothel is a different creature)
"Operation Closure," a 10-day sweep between April 30 and Sunday, resulted in police and bylaw officers filing 323 charges against 88 parlours in the Markham, Richmond Hill and Vaughan.
(since when has a yellow bylaw violation ticket been called a charge)
But rather than using the country's Criminal Code, York Regional Police and town officials used bylaws because they're more effective.
(more effective or cheaper? Since when has that been the case)
The bylaws were strengthened to make it more difficult for body rub parlours to operate.
The laws demand they be licensed, their doors be unlocked, unobstructed windows to allow authorities to look into rooms where clients are being serviced, mandatory attendance by the owner at the business and no nude or partially nude attendants.
(The number of licenses is limited thus restricting owners from running a licensed bodyrub)
The charged parlours are still open, but they face further charges if they continue to operate. Police said nine parlours in Vaughan were closed once landlords were notified.
Found-ins are also being subpoenaed to testify in court.
The bylaws allow for the prosecution of landlords who knowingly allow illegal business on their property.
"It's very difficult proving a criminal organization," York Vice Det.-Sgt. Mark Grant said.
"We had 180 (parlours), we're down to approximately 131," he said.
Acting Vaughan Mayor Joyce Frustaglio said the influx of massage parlours into the region came following a number of police investigations and tougher bylaws in Toronto.
"My message is your business is not welcome" in the region, she said. "They have no regard or no respect for family values."
(Joyce please email me your family values conduct guide. I want to go round to all my neighbours and make sure the things they are doing in private make you happy. I'm going to start with the Russains because I wonder if they love their children. Of course Italian families are known for their fabulous moral conduct)
York Chief Armand LaBarge said parlours have spread throughout the region in "epidemic proportions."
(maybe people like them)
He said the strategy is to wipe out of the profitability of the business.
(Wiping up the profitability of businesses is just lovely. This statement could lead to severe civil damages. Is Eddie Greenspan on the case? He acted for an MP in Niagara before and made a killing)
Police said a parlour averages about 20 clients a day who spend an average of $75. With 131 businesses, the industry totals about $72 million annually in York Region.
Penalties include fines against people up to $25,000 and $50,000 against a company, and courts could force the closure of properties for up to two years.
(closure of property! Guys why not play fair?)